Central High School
Class Of 1962
David Nelson Nelson
Residing In: | Boulder, CO USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Georgia |
Occupation: | Retired |
Children: | 2 girls, 1 boy. 10 grandkids 1dog |
BS from Pepperdine University, Malibu CA.
Worked at electric utility in HR & Logistics.
Studied Alternate Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University School of Law. Practiced arbitration & mediation in CA, IL &WI.
August 2018... After spending the last 19 yrs in the Midwest (Chicago) and loving it, Georgia, Matilda (Tillie, the dog) and I are moving west. We have bought a home in Bellevue WA and will head that direction by car on August 11.
We are excited about our upcoming adventure and are looking forward to a new city, a new state and a new climate! We are finishing our time here hosting our oldest (19yrs old) granddaughter & her girlfriend to a few days of Lollapalooza. Sponsors expect 160,000 attendees over the 4 day event. Great for the economy, if not for the eardrums !
To all of you in Class of ‘62, may you finish off your summer in good health and good spirits and with joyful anticipation of Autumn and beyond!
Go Seahawks ( & Packers! :)
April 2020
Loving Seattle, including the snow and rain !!
January 2021
Rain, gray-gloom & extended Covid19 hunkerdown are beginning to effect us :)
Attended only my senior year at CHS. But that year was one of the best!
Best wishes to you all,
p.s. Spent 1st grade in Fargo; Fall of 2nd grade at Grafton Central; Winter of 2nd grade at Lincoln Elementary, Grand Forks; Spring 2nd grade @ Chase School, Grafton. 2nd thru 4th grades at Chase, Grafton. Fall/Winter of 5th grade at Belmont, Grand Forks (see Early Years Album in Gallery). Spring of 5th grade thru 6th, Chase School, Grafton. 7th & 8th grades: 1st semesters of each at Grafton Central. 2nd semesters of each at Magnolia Jr High, Anaheim, CA. 9th thru 11th at Alhambra High, Alhambra, CA. 12th grade at Grand Forks Central High.
2.5 yrs at UND, then returned to Calif.
David's Latest Interactions
Hey Bob, Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving! And thank you and your fellow veterans for your (and their) service. Take care.
Have a great birthday Tom!!
Happy Birthday Marv! Have a wonderful weekend!
Posted on: Jul 17, 2024 at 7:20 PM
Happy Upcoming Birthday Jan !! ;). Have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday Mark! Have a great day.
Hello All, A quick update ... Georgia and I are still in Boulder CO (3 years now) and truly enjoying the seasons. They intermittantly overlap, snowing a couple days, then 50-70 degrees for a few days, off and on throughout fall, winter and spring. We still have a second home on the rocky coast of northern California about a 3 hour drive north of San Francisco. We try spend as much time as possible there, under 6 months (California income taxes are through the roof...13%). The house is in a small, rural community in Sonoma County just south of the Mendocino County line. It's called 'The Sea Ranch' with its own zip code and lies on a 10 mile stretch of Hwy 1. No traffic signals for 50 miles in either direction. No car wash (darn it!). No movie theater. Ecologically friendly. Check it out if you have a chance. Georgia retired from one of her corporate board seats ad ill retire from another next year. I'm struggling with my golf game (No, I mean really strugging! Trying to get below 100 !! My neighbor in Boulder who plays guitar and sings bought me a set of harmonicas. So he and I get together and try to entertain our wives over cocktails periodically. It's a lot of fun (even with my numerous mistakes.) My latest added picture to this site is from a recent vacation to the Carribean. We went as an early birthday present from Georgia. Early, because it's too darn hot there in July.
When you have the time and inclination please drop me a PM and/or add to your updates anything going on in your lives, including weather in your neck of the woods. (Grand Forks has given me a lifelong interest in weather :)
Take care, be safe. God Bless.
Happy Birthday Becky!
Happy Birthday-Eve Mary!! Have a wonderful day, your special day, tomorrow.
Posted on: Mar 28, 2024 at 10:34 AM
Happy Birthday Margaret ! And many more.
Happy Birthday Dick! Hope all is well. Enjoy your day!
Hey Bob, have a great birthday!
Happy Birthday Steve!
Posted on: Aug 30, 2023 at 4:09 PM
Happy Birthday Tom!! Keep racking ' em up! Hope you're well. Take care. David
You're catching up with me Brother. You can run but you can't hide from your birthday! It's coming soon ... !!
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